Background of the blinc cooperative
Our societies are changing from the industrial age to the information or knowledge society. There is no doubt that in this process education is the key factor. Computer and web based Learning in the sense of a meaningful mixture of didactic models and learning arrangements (Blended Learning) may give a lot of new chances concerning:
- Improvement of quality of education
- Higher accessibility to education
- Stronger European impact of education
- New ventures for producers of education and learning contents
- Professional and sustainable knowledge management in organisations
At the same time there are severe threats to disadvantaged groups and financially weak organisations caused by:
- Comparatively poor accessibility to information technologies
- Expensive proprietary software and
- Expensive Learning programmes and modules
blinc was founded to give an answer to the opportunities and threats caused by the introduction of new learning methods and technologies.
blinc stands for:
- Fostering equal chances for education for different target groups in Europe
- Development and distribution of professional and at the same time fair educational offers
- Cooperative solutions for a sustainable and valuable development of Blended Learning offers