Since 2005 we have developed, managed and participated in more than 50 European projects in different domains:
- Education (Socrates, LLP, ERASMUS+ (KA1 and KA2 programmes) for Adult, Vocational and Higher Education, Youth and School education and Business/Academia
- Research and Development (EIT, H2020)
- Blended learning and technology supported collaboration (e-Learning, LLP, ERASMUS+)
- Sustainable regional and interregional development (LIFE+, INTERREG, AMIF)

VILMA | Validation of informal learning in European Mobility Actions Project development (2010), setting, co-ordination and monitoring Partners from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Lithuania, Italy, Malta.Göttingen 2011-2013 | funded by LLP, Grundtvig |
BADGES | Badges as informal learning certificates in cultural heritage projects Partners from DE, IT, BE, NL, PL, PT. ERASMUS+ 2016-2018 | Lead Partner: Landkreis Kassel, Germany |
PROMOTE | Promoting and Validating Key Competences in Mobility and Traineeships in Europe. ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance 2014-2016 | Lead Partner University of Vilnius |
MOBILITAS | Management of Intermediate Organisation for Exchange of Young Enterpreneurs in the framework of the ERASMUS FOR YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS programme. 2013-ongoing, |

Job-Bridge | COL&V for Job-bridges in volunteering Partners from DE, BE, IT, UK.ERASMUS+ 2019-2021 | Lead Partner: BUPNET Göttingen, Germany |
VILMA | Validation of informal learning in European Mobility Actions Project development (2010), setting, co-ordination and monitoring Partners from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Lithuania, Italy, Malta.Göttingen 2011-2013, | funded by LLP, Grundtvig |
Competences+ | Development and Validation of Competences in mobility for the labour market Partners from DE, IT, SE, AT, GR, UK. ERASMUS+ -2017-2019 |

Cultural Projects
DELPHI | Continuing professional development in cultural heritage projects Partners from DE, BE, IT, GR. ERASMUS+ October 2018-2020 | Lead Partner: German Institute for Adult Education |
BADGES | Badges as informal learning certificates in cultural heritage projects Partners from DE, IT, BE, NL, PL, PT. ERASMUS+ 2016-2018 | Lead Partner: Landkreis Kassel, Germany |
EDUCCKATE | Knowledge Alliance for young entrepreneurs from the cultural and creative industry Partners from UK, DE, AT, GR, CY, IT. London (UCL) 2013-2014 | funded by EAC as knowledge alliance pilot |

Intercultural Contexts / Migration
LISTEN | Storytelling for adult education and intercultural understanding Partners from DE, IT, SE, AT, GR, UK. ERASMUS+ 2016-2018 | Lead Partner: BUPNET Göttingen, Germany |
REST | Refugee Employment Support and Training European Commission. DIRECTORATE-GENERAL MIGRATION AND HOME AFFAIRS (AMIF), Kassel County (LP), Partners from FR, IT, AT, DE, GR, BG. AMIF 2016-2019 | |
COME IN | Refugee Employment Support Partners from DE, IT, SE, AT, GR, UK. ERASMUS+ 2017-2019 | Lead Partner: Landkreis Kassel, Germany |
VIC – Validation of Integration Competences | Validation of Integration Competences of refugees Partners from DE, IT, SE, AT, GR, UK. ERASMUS+ 2016-2018 | Lead Partner: DVV International, Germany |
DREAMM | Develop and Realise Empowering Actions for Mentoring Migrants | Lead Partner: University Perugua |

Professional Development of Educational Personnel
SMERALD | SMERALD aims to raise the capacity of European SMEs to be an active part of Europe’s digital transformation and to fully exploit the market potential given by a proper awareness and applications of digital data competences. Partners from DE, BG, IT, GR. | Lead Partner: CNR, Italy |
ARIES | The ARIES project will develop feasible and low-threshold, and low-cost facilitation concepts for secondary school teachers and learning modules for secondary school students on Augmented and Immersive Reality (A&IR) learning technologies. Partners from DE, IT, GR, LT. | Lead Partner: CNR, Italy |
EdTech-Talents | The EdTech Talents project aims to make education and technology work together better in Estonia, Hungary, and Serbia. Partners from DE, IT, BE, NL, IR, GR. Horizon 2022 | Lead Partner: Tallinn University, Estonia |
REVEAL | Reconstructing an Environment for continuing professional development and Validation for Educators in Adult Learning Partners from DE, IT, BE, NL, IR, GR. ERASMUS+ 2017-2019 | Lead Partner: blinc eG, Germany |
IMPACT | IT based Methodology for Promoting, Assessing and validating Competence oriented learning and Training Partners from Germany, Bulgaria, Portugal, Belgium, Lithuania, Greece, Slovakia and Italy. ERASMUS+ 2014-2016 | Lead Partner: BUPNET Göttingen, Germany |
VESVET | Entrepreneurship Education in European VET sector Partners from LT, PT, DE, TR, UK. ERASMUS+ November 2018-March 2021 | Lead Partner: VILNIAUS TURIZMO IR PREKYBOS VERSLOMOKYKLA |
Teach-VET | Teching Competences for VET Teachers Partners from LT, DE, IT. ERASMUS+ November 2018-October 2020 | Lead Partner: Elektrenu profesinio mokymo centras |
PROVIDE | Creating a sustainable system for continuing professional development (CPD) for educational professionals regarding Competence Based Learning (CBL) Partners from Germany, Netherlands, France, Bulgaria and Austria. Göttingen 2013-2015 | funded by LLP, LdV-Transfer of Innovation |
REVEAL IT | CPD for own staff. ERASMUS+ KA1 November 2018-October 2020 | Lead Partner: blinc eG |

Capacity Building in Communities
COMBINE | Converting Organic Matters from European urban and natural areas into storable bio-energy. Project development (2012-13) for University of Kassel, project management, project communication, website development, valorisation, transfer and local learning and development projects (2013-onwards). Partners from Germany, UK, Belgium, France. Kassel and NWE 2012-2016 | funded by INTERREG NWE |
IMPACT | IT based Methodology for Promoting, Assessing and validating Competence oriented learning and Training Partners from Germany, Bulgaria, Portugal, Belgium, Lithuania, Greece, Slovakia and Italy. ERASMUS+ 2014-2016 | Lead Partner: BUPNET Göttingen, Germany |
RE-DIRECT | REgional Development and Integration of unused biomass wastes as REsources for Circular products and economic Transformation. INTERREG NWE Programme, 2016-2019, University of Kassel (LP), Partners from Belgium, France, Wales, Ireland, Germany (PD, PM, P). | |
THREE C | Developing the Circular Carbon Economy in NW Europe based on bio-waste. Partners from DE, NL, IR, UK, BE, FR. INTERREG NWE September 2019-March 2023 | Lead Partner: Uni Kassel |

Environment and Circular Economy
CLIMESClimate friendly management in European Schools
Project development (2010), setting, co-ordination and monitoring.
Partners from Germany, Austria, Turkey, Italy, Hungary, Sweden. Kassel 2011-2013.funded by LLP, Comenius
GBS – Green Business Seniors | Empowering Senior citizens’ self-employment in Green Business The Green Business Seniors project aims to create a flexible and dynamic training and mentoring pathway using digital tools, shaping the skills and knowledge of seasoned entrepreneurs for a move to successful Green Business ventures. Partners from DE, NL, PT, IT ERASMUS+ 11/23 – 10/25 (partner, PM, ILT , COL&V) | Lead Partner: Europiniu inovaciju centras (EINC) – Kaunas, LT |
GREEEN | Green Environment Education European Network for Climate friendly management in European Schools. Project development support, evaluation 15 Partners from EU countries. Kassel 2013-2015 | funded by LLP, Comenius |
RE-DIRECT | REgional Development and Integration of unused biomass wastes as REsources for Circular products and economic Transformation. INTERREG NWE Programme, 2016-2019, University of Kassel (LP), Partners from Belgium, France, Wales, Ireland, Germany (PD, PM, P). | |
THREE C | Developing the Circular Carbon Economy in NW Europe based on bio-waste. Partners from DE, NL, IR, UK, BE, FR. INTERREG NWE September 2019-March 2023 | Lead Partner: Uni Kassel |
CASCADE | CASCADE is a strategic initiative to transform the way residual biomass is managed in North-West Europe. By introducing carbon management systems in seven pilot regions, the project aims to close the gap in existing biomass recovery and conversion technologies by creating sustainable, circular biomass-to-biochar value chains. CASCADE expects to achieve the following by the end of the project:
Total project budget: € 4 million EU funding: € 2,4 million 7 Partners from DE, LUX, NL, IR, BE, FR. INTERREG NWE 2023 – 2026 | Lead Partner: Uni Kassel |

GBS – Green Business Seniors | Empowering Senior citizens’ self-employment in Green Business The Green Business Seniors project aims to create a flexible and dynamic training and mentoring pathway using digital tools, shaping the skills and knowledge of seasoned entrepreneurs for a move to successful Green Business ventures. Partners from DE, NL, PT, IT ERASMUS+ 11/23 – 10/25 (partner, PM, ILT , COL&V) | Lead Partner: Europiniu inovaciju centras (EINC) – Kaunas, LT | T4S – Time for Society | Continuing professional development in CSR projects related to societal teambuilding and sustainable development. Partners from DE, BE, IT, UK, AT, BG.ERASMUS+ October 2018-2020. | Lead Partner: blinc eG |
T4SD – Time for Sustainable Development | Developing the competences of educators/trainers and other personnel who support employee development, in facilitating the practical implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Partners from DE, BE, IT, UK, AT, BG.ERASMUS+ 2019-2021 | Lead Partner: Apricot Training Management– Laughborough, UK | |
SASSI | The Silver Age, Silver SAge Initiative – support age-sensitive approaches to Continuous Professional Development for older learners and workers.Partners from DE, AT, PT, SK, NL.ERASMUS+ 2015-2017 | Lead Partner: Apricot Training Management– Laughborough, UK | |
SASSI+ | The Silver Age, Silver SAge Initiative – support age-sensitive approaches to Continuous Professional Development for older learners and workers.Partners from DE, AT, PT, SK, NL. ERASMUS+ November 18-October 20 | Lead Partner: Apricot Training Management– Laughborough, UK | |
SUPER- MARKET & RETAIL | SuperMAN | Accessibility for all in the supermarket, client orientation for clients with cognitive disorders Parts of project development for LP, development of course concept and materials, Validation.Partners from IT, DE, FR. Modigliana 2011-2013 | |
T4S – Time for Society | Continuing professional development in CSR projects related to societal teambuilding and sustainable development. Partners from DE, BE, IT, UK, AT, BG.ERASMUS+ October 2018-2020. | Lead Partner: blinc eG | |
TOURISM | BADGES | Badges as informal learning certificates in cultural heritage projects Partners from DE, IT, BE, NL, PL, PT. ERASMUS+ 2016-2018 | Lead Partner: Landkreis Kassel, Germany |
CIM | Creativity and Innovation Management. Partners from DE, IT, PT, LT, AT, BG. ERASMUS+ knowledge Alliance, November 2018-October 2020 | Lead Partner: University Duisburg-Essen | |
Teach-VET | eching Competences for VET Teachers Partners from LT, DE, IT. ERASMUS+ November 2018-October 2020 | Lead Partner: Elektrenu profesinio mokymo centras | |
IT | DATALIT | Data Literacy – knowledge Alliance; Data Literacy at the interface of higher education and business. Partners from IT, DE, LT, Serbia, ES, PT, Albania.ERASMUS+ November 2019-October 2021 | Lead Partner: CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE – Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche |
DEDALUS | DEveloping DAta Literacy courses for University Students. Partners from LT, DE, IT, UK, ES, SER.ERASMUS+ November 2018-October 2020 | ||
IMPACT | IT based Methodology for Promoting, Assessing and validating Competence oriented learning and Training. Partners from Germany, Bulgaria, Portugal, Belgium, Lithuania, Greece, Slovakia and Italy. ERASMUS+ 2014-2016 | Lead Partner: BUPNET Göttingen, Germany | |
REBUS | REady for BUSiness – Integrating and validating practical entrepreneurship skills in engineering and ICT studies. Partners from Bosnia, Austria, Germany, Russia, Italy, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro. ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education 2016-2019 | Lead Partner: University of Sarajewo | |
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING | REBUS | REady for BUSiness – Integrating and validating practical entrepreneurship skills in engineering and ICT studies. Partners from Bosnia, Austria, Germany, Russia, Italy, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro. ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education 2016-2019 | Lead Partner: University of Sarajewo |
SERVICE RENDERING & CLIENT ORIENTATION | VITA | Validation of Service related Learning Outcomes with an IT based Assessment and Evidencing System Project development and monitoring (2011), setting, co-ordination and monitoring Partners from Germany, Austria, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Switzerland, Ireland. KA3 Göttingen 2012-2013 | funded by LLP |
eVIVA | Competences for the Service Economy in Higher Education at the West Balkan. Partners from Bosnia, Austria, Germany, Portugal, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia. ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education 2016-2019 | Lead Partner UET, Tirana, Albania | |
PROMOTE | PRosthetic and Orthotic specialist MOdules for Higher Education Training in Europe. Partners from DE, NL, IT. ERASMUS+ 09/20-08/23 | Lead Partner: Private University of Applied Science Göttingen | |
ENTREPRE-NEURSHIP | MOBILITAS | Management of Intermediate Organisation for Exchange of Young Entrepreneurs in the framework of the ERASMUS FOR YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS programme. 2013-ongoing | |
CIM | Creativity and Innovation Management. Partners from DE, IT, PT, LT, AT, BG. ERASMUS+ knowledge Alliance, November 2018-October 2020 | Lead Partner: University Duisburg-Essen | |
PITCH | Entrepreneuship Education in HEI. Partners from LT, DE, IT, PT. ERASMUS+ 11/19-10/21 | Lead Partner: University Duisburg-Essen | |
REBUS | REady for BUSiness – Integrating and validating practical entrepreneurship skills in engineering and ICT studies. Partners from Bosnia, Austria, Germany, Russia, Italy, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro. ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education 2016-2019 | Lead Partner: University of Sarajewo |

Higher Education
PROMOTE | PRosthetic and Orthotic specialist MOdules for Higher Education Training in Europe. Partners from DE, NL, IT. ERASMUS+ 09/20-08/23 | Lead Partner: Private University of Applied Science Göttingen |
CIM | Creativity and Innovation Management. Partners from DE, IT, PT, LT, AT, BG. ERASMUS+ knowledge Alliance, November 2018-October 2020 | Lead Partner: University Duisburg-Essen |
EDUCCKATE | Knowledge Alliance for young entrepreneurs from the cultural and creative industry Partners from UK, DE, AT, GR, CY, IT. London (UCL) 2013-2014 | funded by EAC as knowledge alliance pilot |
PITCH | Entrepreneuship Education in HEI. Partners from LT, DE, IT, PT. ERASMUS+ 11/19-10/21 | Lead Partner: University Duisburg-Essen |
DATALIT | Data Literacy – knowledge Alliance; Data Literacy at the interface of higher education and business. Partners from IT, DE, LT, Serbia, ES, PT, Albania.ERASMUS+ November 2019-October 2021 | Lead Partner: CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE – Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche |
EdTech-Talents | EdTech Talents – The EdTech Talents project aims to make education and technology work together better in Estonia, Hungary, and Serbia. We want to help academmic and support staff in these countries learn from successful EdTech companies in Austria, Germany, and Spain. | Lead Partner: University Tallinn, |

CLIMES | Climate-friendly management in European Schools Project development (2010), setting, coordination and monitoring. Partners from Germany, Austria, Turkey, Italy, Hungary, Sweden. Kassel 2011-2013, | funded by LLP, Comenius |
GREEEN | Green Environment Education European Network for Climate-friendly management in European Schools Project development support, evaluation. 15 Partners from EU countries. Kassel 2013-2015 | funded by LLP, Comenius |
EELLSS | European Experiential Learning Lab on Soil Science. Partners from DE, IT, ES, SE, TR, LV, NL. ERASMUS+ (Comenius branch -> Schools) 2015-2017 | Lead Partner: Landkreis Kassel, Germany |
PRACTICE | Anti-Racism Training in schools. Partners from DE, BE, IT, UK. ERASMUS+ – 2019-2022 | Lead Partner: Danielo Dolci (IT) |

Health & Social Sector
PRosthetic and Orthotic specialist MOdules for Higher Education Training in Europe. Partners from DE, NL, IT. ERASMUS+ 09/20-08/23 |
Lead Partner: Private University of Applied Science Göttingen | |
HOSPITALS | i-CARE | Intercultural Care in the Social and Healthcare Sector Partners from UK, AT, DE, DK, IT, GR | Lead Partner: Apricot ERASMUS+ 11/19-10/21 |
VIM | Vitality Interventions for Migrants. | ||
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS | T4S – Time for Society | Continuing professional development in CSR projects related to societal teambuilding and sustainable development. Partners from DE, BE, IT, UK, AT, BG.ERASMUS+ October 2018-2020. | Lead Partner: blinc eG |
HEALTH COUNSELORS | T4S – Time for Society | Continuing professional development in CSR projects related to societal teambuilding and sustainable development. Partners from DE, BE, IT, UK, AT, BG.ERASMUS+ October 2018-2020. | Lead Partner: blinc eG |
SURVIVORS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | PACT | Promoting Awareness for Cooperation and Training in the Field of Domestic Violence Evaluation, support, FO. Partners from DE, PT, LT, MT, IT, PL, AT. Göttingen 2011-2013 | funded by LLP, Grundtvig |

Prison Education
VALMOPRIS | Validation and Motivation for (in)formal Learning in Prison. Partners from UK, BE, DE, IT, ES, AT. ERASMUS+ 2014-2016 | Lead Partner New College Lanarkshire (NCL) |