
Alternative Instructional Models and Knowledge- Organization

Groundwork as well as focus of the following representation is the “Göttinger Katalog Didaktischer Modelle” (Goettingen Catalogue of Instructional Models), the arrangement of which was started by Karl-Heinz Flechsig in the middle of the seventies and which is meanwhile a fundamental field of research for the “Institut für Interkulturelle Didaktik” (Institute for Intercultural Didactic) of the University of Goettingen.

This catalogue is concerned with the collection, compilation and systematization of alternative forms of organized learning and teaching and furthermore the documentation and utilization of these by means of publications, courses and computer programs.

Since 1989 this is done within the software system CEDID: “Computer-ergänztes Didaktisches Design” (computer-supplemented instructional design).

The use of computers in educational systems is already manifold, but it concentrates on the support of learning processes and general aspects of management (like collection of demographic data, text writing, and time schedules). The growing professionalization of didactical planning which hereby is called “instructional design” urges upon the search for potentials of electronic data processing.

Our first steps in this direction dealt with the use data banks, especially for bibliographies; later on we tried out a self-developed program which helped our clients to get a choice among the various instructional models. At last, we decided to develop an integrative software for the whole process of instructional design.

Full article:BL CEDID