Diagnosis of Learning Styles (only in EN and DE)
The inventory of learning styles describes
- How you are learning
- How you are dealing with ideas
- In which kind of learning situations you feel comfortable or uneasy
We all know that people learn in different ways and you surely know that you like or dislike certain “learning sitituations”.
This inventory is supposed to make you aware of your individual style of learning and acting in respect to:
- your way of deciding
- your way of problem solving
- of setting targets
- of dealing with other people
- of your way how to deal with new situations
This learning style inventory was originally developed for students and adapted in the framework of different sub-projects on other learners’ groups.
It is based on the approach of KOLB who developed 4 basic categories of learners based on intelligence and creativity research and the Assimilation and Accomodation Model of PIAGET.
The basic components of different learning characteristics can be described quarter model:
– concrete experience
– refelective observing
– abstract conceptualising
– active experimenting
These components belong to the 4 basic learners’ types:
1. Divergers: with an affinity to concrete experiencing and reflective observation
2. Assimilator: with affinity to refelective observation abstract abstract conceptualisation
3. Convergers: abstract conceptualisation and active experimenting and
4. Accomodators: with an affinity to active experimenting and concrete experiencing