We work along a circular Plan-Do-Check procedure which enables us to achieve high quality and to convert the counselling/training in a management system (e.g. QM).

Our work always starts with the exploration of the context (the working or “action fields”) on which the necessary competences are described and qualified in the LEVEL5 taxonomy. This step is done together with the principals (may be the clients, enterprises or the responsible persons for the CPD or the development action). As next step potential learning fields and pathways are derived and useful contents, assignments and assessments can be determined, taking into account different competence dimensions (knowledge, skills, attitudes) and competence levels.

The Do phase stands for the delivery of the programme which can be a full course, a CPD, innovation workshop (design thinking), a blended learning programme, a research based internship, a full traineeships, learning projects or informal (self-)learning activities in volunteering or personal development programmes. The context, the content and the objectives determine the delivery mode: it can be fully Face-to-face (if direct interaction is needed) – F2F units can be enriched with e-learning and projects – or it can be completely delivered online (in a mix of synchronous, asynchronous and collaborative modes). There are technically any limits – however the mode must fit to the purpose.

In the check phase we distinguish validation (of competences) and evaluation (of the learning programme). In the validation phase we compare the competence levels at the beginning (or at an early time of the development) with the levels at the end (or at a later stage) using the LEVEL5 taxonomy and the respective descriptors at the different competence levels in the learning field. According to the level of formality this assessment may lead to a certification, badging or whatever is appropriate in the specific learning situation or the requirements of the learners/entities. Evaluation of the programme may be executed via participatory evaluation of the learners/providers or principals according to provided quality grids on competence-oriented learning.