
Transnational Projects

Projects and educational courses developed, planned and executed by blinc team.

PD = project development, PM = project management, ILT = Integration of Learning Technology, CP = Collaboration Partner, COL&V = Competence oriented Learning and Validaton)


Participa City – Preventing Racism and Fostering Inclusion Through Gamification

The Participa City project aims to prevent racism and discrimination against ethnic and cultural minorities in Europe by equipping educators and key decision-makers with the tools to create more inclusive societies. The project will develop and adapt the Participa City game into a European version, using gamification as an innovative method to raise awareness, encourage reflection, and foster participation in democratic and diverse communities.

Project website:

Lead Partner: Institut für angewandte Kulturforschung e.V. (Ifak)

Partners from: Germany, Bulgaria, Portugal, France, Sweden

Programme: ERASMUS+ KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education


CASCADE is a strategic initiative to transform the way residual biomass is managed in North-West Europe. By introducing carbon management systems in seven pilot regions, the project aims to close the gap in existing biomass recovery and conversion technologies by creating sustainable, circular biomass-to-biochar value chains.

CASCADE expects to achieve the following by the end of the project:

  • Successful implementation of carbon management systems in seven pilot regions, which will serve as a blueprint for other NWE regions.
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions through the creation of circular, CO2-negative biomass-to-biochar processes.
  • Establish a capacity building programme and a Centre of Excellence & TechLab to support ongoing training, development and dissemination of project methodologies.
    Develop transferable application scenarios to facilitate the large-scale deployment of these systems across Europe.

Total project budget: € 4 million
EU funding: € 2,4 million

7 Partners from DE, LUX, NL, IR, BE, FR.

INTERREG NWE 2023 – 2026 



Empowering Senior citizens’ self-employment in Green Business – – to motivate older citizens for self-employment in the Green Business.
Lead Partner: Europiniu inovaciju centras (EINC) – Kaunas, LT
Partners from DE, NL, PT, IT
ERASMUS+ 11/23 – 10/25 (partner, PM, ILT , COL&V)


EdTech Talents

The EdTech Talents project aims to make education and technology work together better in Estonia, Hungary, and Serbia.

We want to help academmic and support staff in these countries learn from successful EdTech companies in Austria, Germany, and Spain.

Lead Partner: University Tallinn 
Horizon 2022

ARIES – Augmented and immersive Reality for Improved Education in Schools in Europe

The ARIES project will develop viable, low-threshold and cost-effective delivery approaches for secondary school teachers and learning modules for secondary school students on Augmented and Immersive Reality (A&IR) learning technologies.
Teachers and students will be equipped with the necessary skills and competences to promote and apply innovative learning approaches and open source A&IR learning technology solutions in existing courses, curricula and study projects.

Lead Partner: CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE – Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche
ERASMUS+ 10/23 – 09/25 (partner, Platform)

SMERALD – SMEs – Raising Awareness and Learning on Digital data, data analysis and artificial intelligence

SMERALD aims to raise the capacity of European SMEs to be an active part of Europe’s digital transformation and to fully exploit the market potential given by a proper awareness and applications of digital data competences. Specifically, it wants to raise SMEs’ managers’ awareness on such potential and develop SMEs’ employees digital data competences to properly apply them in their business contexts. Also, VET educators will act as facilitators of digital data competence development in SMEs.

Lead Partner: CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE – Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche
ERASMUS+ 10/23 – 09/25 (partner, Platform)

B4C – Biochar and Circular Carbon Economy Competences

The B4C Project aims to integrate biochar and circular economy principles into vocational education across Europe, equipping learners and educators with practical tools for sustainability and climate action through targeted training and innovative learning resources.

Lead Partner: blinc eG

Partners from SE, DE, LU, FR

ERASMUS+ KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational
education and training

Cap Call on Urban Gardening and Circular Carbon Economy

Developing the Circular Carbon Economy in NW Europe based on charcoal from urban gardening and farming
Partners from DE, NL, IR, UK, BE, FR, LU

Lead Partner: Uni Kassel
INTERREG NWE  03/21-12/23 (PD, PM, partner)¸ ( )

GBS Green Business Seniors

Empowering Senior citizens’ self-employment in Green Business
The Green Business Seniors project aims to create a flexible and dynamic training and mentoring pathway using digital tools, shaping the skills and knowledge of seasoned entrepreneurs for a move to successful Green Business ventures.

Lead Partner: Europiniu inovaciju centras (EINC) – Kaunas, LT
Partners from DE, NL, PT, IT
ERASMUS+ 11/23 – 10/25 (partner, PM, ILT , COL&V)


Develop and Realise Empowering Actions for Mentoring Migrants
Partners from IT, CY, GR, MT, AT, DE

Lead Partner: University Perugua
ERASMUS+ 11/20-10/22 (CP, COL&V)¸ (


Digitalisation Experts in Adult Education
Partners from DE, NL, SE, SK, IT, UK

Lead Partner: blinc eG
ERASMUS+ 11/20-10/22 (PD, PM, COL&V)¸ (


People. Places Stories, heritage communities as a sociocultural space for creativity, learning, participation & inclusion.
Partners from DE, NL, IT, UK, BE, FR

Lead Partner: Landkreis Kassel
ERASMUS+  09/20-08/22 (PD, partner, COL&V)¸ (website – coming soon)


PRosthetic and Orthotic specialist MOdules for Higher Education Training in Europe
Partners from DE, NL, IT,

Lead Partner: Private University of Applied Science Göttingen
ERASMUS+  09/20-08/23 (PD, partner, COL&V)¸ (website – coming soon


Critical Curation for Learning
Partners from DE, NL, IR, UK, BE, FR

Lead Partner: Apricot Training Management– Laughborough, UK
ERASMUS+  11/20-10/22 (partner, COL&V)¸ (website – coming soon)


Developing the Circular Carbon Economy in NW Europe based on bio-waste
Partners from DE, NL, IR, UK, BE, FR

Lead Partner: Uni Kassel
INTERREG NWE  09/19-03/23 (PD, PM, partner, COL&V)¸ ( )


Entrepreneuship Education in HEI
Partners from LT, DE, IT, PT

Lead Partner: University Duisburg-Essen
ERASMUS+  11/19-10/21 (PD, PM, partner),


Data Literacy – knowledge Alliance; Data Literacy at the interface of higher education and business
Partners from IT, DE, LT, Serbia, ES, PT, Albania

Lead Partner: CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE – Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche
ERASMUS+  11/19-10/21 (partner, COL&V),


Intercultural Care in the Social and Healthcare Sector
Partners from UK, AT, DE, DK, IT, GR

Lead Partner: Apricot Training Management– Laughborough, UK
ERASMUS+  11/19-10/21 (partner, validation approach)¸


No Alternative Facts:
Tackling Intentional Misinformation in Digital Technologies through the development of Critical Thinking Skills and Media Literacy
Lead Partner: Apricot Training Management– Laughborough, UK
Partners from DE, AT, PT, SK, NL
ERASMUS+  11/18-10/20 (partner, validation approach),


DEveloping DAta Literacy courses for University Students
Partners from LT, DE, IT, UK, ES, SER

Lead Partner: CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE – Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche
ERASMUS+  11/18-10/20 (partner, validation approach),


Competences for the Service Economy in Higher Education at the West Balkan

Lead Partner UET, Tirana, Albania
Partners from Bosnia, Austria, Germany, Portugal, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia
ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education –  2016-2019,  (PD (validation), P, ILT)


KA1 CPD for own staff of blinc eG and REVEAL
Lead Partner: blinc eG
ERASMUS+ KA1  11/18-10/20 (lead partner, grant holder, PD, PM


Creativity and Innovation Management

Partners from DE, IT, PT, LT, AT, BG

Lead Partner: University Duisburg-Essen
ERASMUS+ knowledge Alliance, 11/18-10/20 (PD, PM, partner, validation approach),


The Silver Age, Silver SAge Initiative  – support age-sensitive approaches to Continuous Professional Development for older learners and workers.
Lead Partner: Apricot Training Management– Laughborough, UK
Partners from DE, AT, PT, SK, NL
ERASMUS+  11/18-10/20 (partner, validation approach)


Teaching Competences for VET Teachers
Partners from LT, DE, IT

Lead Partner: Elektrenu profesinio mokymo centras
ERASMUS+  11/18-10/20 (partner, validation approach)


Entrepreneurship Education in European VET sector
Partners from LT, PT, DE, TR, UK

ERASMUS+ 11/18-03/21 (partner, COL&V)


COL&V for Job-bridges in volunteering
Partners from DE, BE, IT, UK

Lead Partner: BUPNET Göttingen, Germany
ERASMUS+ – 2019-2021 (PD, partner, COL&V)


Anti-Racism Training in schools
Partners from DE, BE, IT, UK

Lead Partner: Danielo Dolci (IT)
ERASMUS+ – 2019-2022 (partner, COL&V)

T4SD – Time for Sustainable Development

Developing the competences of educators/trainers and other personnel who support employee development, in facilitating the practical implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Partners from DE, BE, IT, UK, AT, BG

Lead Partner: Apricot Training Management– Laughborough, UK
ERASMUS+ –  2019-2021 (PD, partner¸ COL&V),

T4S – Time for Society

Continuing professional development in CSR projects
Partners from DE, BE, IT, UK

Lead Partner: blinc eG
ERASMUS+ –  10/2018-2020 (PD, lead partner)


Continuing professional development in cultural heritage projects
Partners from DE, BE, IT, GR

Lead Partner: German Institute for Adult Education
ERASMUS+ –  10/2018-2020 (PD and P)

Competences +

Development and Validation of Competences in mobiiity for the labour market
Partners from DE, IT, SE, AT, GR, UK

Lead Partner: ADICE FR
ERASMUS+ –  2017-2019 (Partner)

VIC – Validation of Integration Competences

Validation of Integration Competences of refugees
Partners from DE, IT, SE, AT, GR, UK

Lead Partner: DVV International, Germany
ERASMUS+ –  2016-2018 (Subcontractor),


Badges as informal learning certificates in cultural heritage projects
Partners from DE, IT, BE, NL, PL

Lead Partner: Landkreis Kassel, Germany
ERASMUS+ –  2016-2018 (PD, CP),


Reconstructing an Environment for continuing professional development and Validation for Educators in Adult Learning
Partners from DE, IT, BE, NL, IR, GR

Lead Partner: blin eG, Germany
ERASMUS+ –  2017-2019 (LP),


Refugee Employment Support
Partners from DE, IT, SE, AT, GR, UK

Lead Partner: Landkreis Kassel, Germany
ERASMUS+ –  2017-2019 (Subcontractor)


REgional Development and Integration of unused biomass wastes as REsources for Circular products and economic Transformation

INTERREG NWE Programme, 2016-2019, University of Kassel (LP),  Partners from Belgium, France, Wales, Ireland, Germany (PM, P),


Refugee Employment Support and Training

European Commission, DIRECTORATE-GENERAL MIGRATION AND HOME AFFAIRS (AMIF), Kassel County (LP), Partners from FR, IT, AT, DE, BG (2016-2018)



REady for BUSiness  – Integrating and validating practical entrepreneurship skills in  engineering and ICT studies
Lead Partner: University of Sarajewo
Partners from Bosnia, Austria, Germany, Russia, Italy, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro
ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education –  2016-2019,  (PD (validation), IT, P)


Management of Intermediate Organisation for Exchange of Young Enterpreneurs in the framework of the ERASMUS FOR YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS programme (2013-2018), (p)


Storytelling for adult education and intercultural understanding
Partners from DE, IT, SE, AT, GR, UK

Lead Partner: BUPNET Göttingen, Germany
ERASMUS+ –  2016-2018 (P),


Policies and practices needed in the field of adult education to include young adults at risk of social exclusion in active participatory citizenship in Europe
Lead Partner: University Tampere
Partners from DE, GR, UK, TR, EE, FI
H2020  2016-2019,  (p (DVV), evaluation)


Open Web-based Learning Space for Professional Development for Adult Educators
funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (Research Associate)
German Institute for Adult Education, Bonn (DE) –  2016-2019,  (D, IT) (


European Experiential Learning Lab on Soil Science
Lead Partner: Landkreis Kassel, Germany
Partners from DE, IT, ES, SE, TR, LV, NL
ERASMUS+ (Comenius branch -> Schools)-  2015-2017,  (D, PM, P) (


The Silver Age, Silver SAge Initiative  – support age-sensitive approaches to Continuous Professional Development for older learners and workers.
Lead Partner: Apricot Training Management– Laughborough, UK
Partners from DE, AT, PT, SK, NL
ERASMUS+ 2015-2017,  (P) (


Validation and Motivation for (in)formal Learning in Prison
17 Partners from Lithuania, Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Portugal, Belgium, Greece, Spain, UK and Italy

Lead Partner New College Lanarkshire (NCL)
ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance  –  2014-2016 (D (validation), P); (


Promoting and Validating Key Competences in Mobility and Traineeships in Europe
17 Partners from Lithuania, Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Portugal, Belgium, Greece, Spain, UK and Italy

Lead Partner University of Vilnius
ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance  –  2014-2016 (D, P)


IT based Methodology for Promoting, Assessing and validating Competence oriented learning and Training
Partners from Germany, Bulgaria, Portugal, Belgium, Lithuania, Greece, Slovakia and Italy

Lead Partner: BUPNET Göttingen, Germany
ERASMUS+ –  2014-2016 (D, PM, IT)


Competences for a Circular Economy
Lead Partner: Landkreis Kassel, Germany
Partners from DE, ES, PT, BE, NL
ERASMUS+ (Comenius branch -> Schools) –  2014-2016,  (D, PM, P) (http://www.

MUBIGEN Pathfinder

Preparing the Business Plan for a Municipal Bioenergy Generation in Europe
Project development (2013) with University of Kassel, regional capacity building (2013-onwards),
Partners from Germany and Italy
Climate KIC European Institute of Technology-  2014-2016 (D, PM, P)


Converting Organic Matters from European urban and natural areas into storable bio-energy
Project development (2012-13) for University of Kassel, project management, project communication, website development, valorisation, transfer and local learning and development projects (2013-onwards),
Partners from Germany, UK, Belgium, France
funded by INTERREG NWE
Kassel and NWE –  2012-2016,  (D, PM, P) , (


Green Environment Education European Network for Climate friendly management in European Schools
Project development support, evaluation
15 Partners from EU countries
funded by LLP, Comenius
Kassel 2013-2015 (E)


Improving eco-efficiency of bio-energy production and supply in riparian areas of the Danube river basin and other floodplains in Central Europe – DANUBENERGY.
Project development (2011-12) for EAR Waldviertel, Setting up project management in EAR, Austria, (2012), website development (2013), valorisation, transfer and local learning and development projects (2013-onwards), project communication
funded by INTERREG CE
Partners from Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy
Waidhofen a.d. Thaya and Central Europe –  2012-2014,  (D, PM, P) (


Developing innovative and climate friendly mobility concepts for peripheral rural areas in Northern Hesse
Partner project with Kassel County and the regional transport and tourism sector
ESF Hesse –  2013-2014, (D, PM, P)


Knowledge Alliance for young entrepreneurs from the cultural and creative industry
Partners from UK, DE, AT, GR, CY, IT
funded by EAC as knowledge alliance pilot
London (UCL) 2013-2014, (PM)  (http://, (P)

Mobilitas 4-7

Partner organisation for the Erasmus for Young entrepreneurs programme, counselling new and hist entrepreneurs in business planning and cooperation
funded by EAC as knowledge alliance pilot
Matera, Göttingen 2013-2017, (PM)  (organised via http://, (P, IT)


Creating a sustainable system for continuing professional development (CPD) for educational professionals regarding Competence Based Learning (CBL)
Partners from Germany, Netherlands, France, Bulgaria and Austria
funded by LLP, LdV-Transfer of Innovation
Göttingen 2013-2015, (D, PM, P)  (http://


Validation of Service related Learning Outcomes with an IT based Assessment and Evidencing System
Project development and monitoring (2011), setting, co-ordination and monitoring
Partners from Germany, Austria, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Switzerland, Ireland
funded by LLP, KA3
Göttingen 2012-2013, (D, PM, P), (http://


Accessibility for all in the supermarket, client orientation for clients with cognitive disorders
Parts of project development for LP, development of course concept and materials, Validation
funded by LdV as ToI, LLP
Partners from IT, DE, FR
Modigliana –  2011-2013,  (D, P) ( )


Research project with the aim of enhancing local and regional transport provision to, from and within five peripheral regions in North-West Europe (23 Mio €)
Member of the Project development team (2008/2009), setting up project management in Kassel University, (2008/2009), website development (2009), transfer and learning projects (2010-ongoing), regional co-ordination
funded by INTERREG NWE
London, Kassel 2008-2014, (P)  (


Securing the conservation of NATURA grassland habitats with a distributed bioenergy production
Project development (2007/2008), setting up project management in Kassel University, (2008/2009), website development (2009), valorisation, transfer and learning projects (2010-ongoing), project communication
Partners from Germany, Wales, Estonia
funded by LIFE+
Witzenausen 2009-2012,  (D, PM, P), (


Validation of informal learning in European Mobility Actions
Project development (2010), setting, co-ordination and monitoring
Partners from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Lithuania, Italy, Malta
funded by LLP, Grundtvig
Göttingen 2011-2013, (D, PM, P)  (http://


Climate friendly management in European Schools
Project development (2010), setting, co-ordination and monitoring
Partners from Germany, Austria, Turkey, Italy, Hungary, Sweden
funded by LLP, Comenius
Kassel 2011-2013, (D, PM, IT)  (http://


Promoting Awareness for Cooperation and Training in the Field of Domestic Violence
Evaluation, support, FO,
Partners from DE, PT, LT, MT, IT, PL, AT
funded by LLP, Grundtvig
Göttingen 2011-2013, (E)  (

KLIMZUG Nordhessen

Climate Adaptation in the region of North Hesse, Research project with 18 faculties of Kassel University and all regional governments of North Hesse, 10 Mio. € funding, 2008-2012
Member of the Project development team (2008), setting up project management (2008/2009), transfer and valorisation (2009), Follow-up projects (transfer and learning projects 2009/2010)
funded by LLP: Grundtvig
Kassel 2008-2012, (D, P)  (


Validation of informal learning in European Projects
Project development (2009), setting up project management in Kassel University, website development (2010), co-ordination and monitoring
Partners from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Slowakia, Romania
funded by LLP
Kassel, Göttingen 2009-2011,  (D, PM, P) (


Validation of Informal and non-formal learning in different grass-root projects, networking of evaluators
Partners from Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Romania, Netherlands, Poland and Sweden
funded by LLP: Grundtvig
Kassel 2008-2010, (D, PM, P)  (

ACT!, Active Citizenship Training

Evaluation project for stakeholders of Universities snd NGOs; transnational project  to evaluate the impact of non-formal learning on active citizenship of disadvantaged groups with partners from Germany, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Romania, Netherlands, Portugal, Poland and Sweden
funded by SOCRATES 6.1. of the EU
Göttingen 2005-2007, (D, PM, P); (

A-B-C-D, Advanced Blended Learning Competencies and Didactics

Qualification project for trainers Blended learning methodology; transnational project with partners from Germany, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Romania and Sweden
funded by Grundtvig 1.1, SOCRATES of the EU
Göttingen, 2005-2007, (D, PM, P) (

eL3, Blended learning clusters in the European 3rd sector

Clustering projet for  Blended learning institutions; transnational development project with partners from Germany, Italy, France and Scotland
funded by the eLearning Initiative of the EC
Goslar 2003-2005, (D, PM, P), IT (


Non formal education project in schools concerning  intercultural education; transnational development project with partners from Germany, Italy, Latvia, Wales and France
funded by Grundtvig 1, SOCRATES of the EC
Göttingen 2004-2006, FO; (

JEM! Joint Environmental Management (in European Schools)

Non formal education project in schools concerning  Environmental Management using Blended learning methodology; transnational development project with partners from Germany, Italy, Poland, Hungary and Austria
funded by Joint Actions, SOCRATES of the EC
Kassel 2004-2006, D, P, IT (

IEM (Integrated Environmental Management) in Hospitals

Qualification project for hospital staff members in Environmental Management using Blended learning methodology; transnational development project with partners from Germany, Italy, France, and Austria
funded by LIFE ENVIRONMENT of the EC
Goslar 2002-2005, D, P, IT ((

Case Management

Model project regarding further training in the health sector
800-hours special training for qualified personnel of care and geriatric care (40 participants), main topics: special qualifications, communication, modern management and networking as well as information and communication technologies, application of a net-based learning platform
funded by the ESF (objective 3) and the federal state of Lower Saxony
Hanover and Göttingen, Lower Saxony, 10/2001 – 12/2003 (PM); (

IT´s Social

Qualification project for social economics; introduction of information technologies in informal education, transnational development project with partners from Italy, France, Poland, Great Britain and Austria
promoted by the program Grundtvig/Sokrates of the EU
Göttingen, Lower Saxony, 4/2002 – 05/2004 (PM); (

IT´s Health – Improving the Occupational Situation of Women in Nursing Professions

Qualification project on two different levels for the reintegration of women after maternity leave or special vacation using current ICT as well as modern working and organisational methods, creation of new activity, safeguarding of continuous employment, promotion of career development prospects
promoted by the ESF in the framework of the objective 3 programme
Goslar and Hanover, Lower Saxony, 6/2001 – 6/2002, (PM)

Regional Health Network in Southern Lower Saxony

Qualification project for about 500 employees working in health care and other social-economic institutions; topic: working organization and structures, quality manage­ment, electronic documentation and specific events
promoted by the ESF in the framework of the objective 4 programme
various locations, southern Lower Saxony, 10/1999 – 12/2000, (PM)

Material Controlling in European Hospitals

Elaboration of training modules and curricula for hospital staff as a preparation for the introduction of environmental management systems, development of concepts in co-operation with European hospitals from Germany, France, Italy, Austria
funded by Leonardo da Vinci programme of the EU
Göttingen, Lower-Saxony, 12/1999 – 4/2001 (PM)

Quality Management in European Psychiatric Hospitals

Exchange of know-how regarding the introduction of current systems of quality and training management in European psychiatric hospitals; participants: six institutions from six European countries
funded by Leonardo da Vinci programme of the EU
Montfavet, France, 12/1999 – 5/2001 as partner (P)

Structural change in the Spa sector

Qualification project for an economic development and diversification of the region of Bad Gandersheim; special courses, workshops, seminars and counselling for the staff of fife spa clinics, of the municipal authority and about 20 local enterprises working in the field of local health care services and tourism industry to strengthen their competitiveness and to develop new services (total of about 2000 participants)
Transnational dimension: exchange of know-how among BUP Göttingen, USL7, Siena (Italy) and Fenadismer Andalucia, Huelva (Spain) incl. the creation of a transnational network
funded by ADAPT/EC
Bad Gan­ders­heim, Lower-Saxony, (D, PM, P), 10/1997 – 12/2000, PM

Sustainable Management of Wastes in Hospitals

Qualification and consulting project to design and realize an ecologically and economically optimized materials management in hospitals in Lower Saxony; participants coming from about 80 hospitals, different professional associations the Ministry of Environment of Lower Saxony
Transnational dimension: exchange of information between BUP Göttingen, APSS Trento (Italy) and MSPB Bagatelle, Bordeaux (France) and their regional project partners
funded by ADAPT/EC; Göttingen, Hanover, Braunschweig, Oldenburg, 01/1998 – 10/2000, (D, PM, P)

Energy-Counsellors for Municipalities

Training pilot project for 25 unemployed women returning into work especially designed by using an elementary e-learning system
funded by the NOW programme of the EU and the Federal Labour Office
Hanover, Lower Saxony, 06/1998 – 09/1999, (D, PM, P)

Residual Waste and Contaminated Site Management

Practical and interdisciplinary training project for 20 unemployed with a university degree in natural sciences or engineering
promoted by the ESF
Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 1995 – 1996, (D, PM, P)