Evaluation of BL in the European 3rd Sector
In the years 2004 and 2005 the project eL3 was developed in the European healthcare, social, environmental and educational sector.
The aim of the project was to collect information and practice examples from hospitals to grass-root institutions to contribute to the actual discussion about “blended learning”.
Project partners from 4 European countries, from educational institutes and from 3rd sector organisations collaborated to get a common ground and basic information about the situation as far as blended learning in the 3rd sector is concerned.
The project aimed to give an information base and practical support to those stake-holders dealing with learning and blended learning in their institutions.
Due to the far reaching, unmanageable variety of different approaches, target groups, objectives, contents, methodologies and delivery modalities on the European level the project concentrated rather on practical aspects than on standardisation is-sues.
The project developed a series of multilingual instruments (EN, FR, DE, IT) that can be applied now with a verified terminology.
The evaluation focused on the major stakeholders, on the demands both of learners and their superiors concerning blended learning offers as well as on the knowledge and didactic competences of the learning personnel.
The evaluation is the basis for acting recommendations, especially for blended learn-ing instructors. A blended learning planning tool-box is annexed to this evaluation report giving practical guidance for pre-assessment and for the design of blended learning offers.
The developed assessment and evaluation instruments are available as online or offline tools for blended learning practitioners and have already been introduced in several other European projects and courses after the eL3 project lifetime.