We offer CPD courses to educationalists but also to professionals from other sectors mentioned above, to people learning at the job, trainees, interns and volunteers but also start-ups and new entrepreneurs. We also support learners in mobility and in cultural/intercultural settings and people in community learning and joint developing projects (“capacity building”).
Our CPD offers relate to the following sectors:
- the European social and health sector,
- Societal Teambuilding
- Digitalisation in the health and social sector
- Intercultural care
- Burn-out Intervention and Training
- Anti-Racism programmes
- Job-bridging for volunteers
- Information technology
- Digital literacy in all educational sectors
- Fake news prevention
- Blended Learning didactics
- Open Educational Resources
- Learning Technologies
- Moodle
- Mahara
- Synchronous online communication (zoom)
- Synchronous online communication and design thinking
- Entrepreneurship and international business development
- Product development
- Value Chain development
- Business planning
- Design Thinking courses for Higher Education and Enterprises
- Creativity and Innovation management
- Digitally supported collaboration
- Migration, interculturality and transcultural development,
- Transcultural Development spaces
- Intercultural encounters/Managing diversity
- Intercultural Storytelling
- Staff development for professionals working with refugees
- Culture
- Heritage Interpretation
- Professionalisation programmes of volunteers
- Digital learning support in cultural sites
- Transcultural development in rural areas
- Educational science
- Blended Learning Didactics
- Competence Oriented Learning
- Competence Validation